Can we start out by thanking the blessed goddess Clairol that Emma Stone is back to being a redhead?

I live for her with red hair. She looks so much SASSIER. Which is not to say that blondes can not be sassy — anyone who saw Wendi Mclendon-Covey in Bridesmaids knows that blondes are, indeed, often sassy– but a blonde Emma Stone just looked like a Kate Bosworth impersonator to me. (Also known as: the most boring celebrity impersonator ever. Sorry, Kate. But all a faux K. Bos would do would be schlump around and wear Calvin Klein and talk about how she’s not allowed to tell us what’s happening on True Blood next season.) This Emma Stone, on the other hand, looks like girls who isn’t above wearing a fun lampshade as a skirt, but who is strongly opposed to matching her accessories. To anything. Which sounds like a criticism, but I actually quite like her dress. Ain’t nothing wrong with a well-deployed lampshade.