This woman doesn’t age.

Also, if you think this is just a blouse, then you don’t know her very well.

Is anyone else getting a Madonna vibe from this? She’d LOVE looking like an undercover dominatrix who accidentally wandered out of the bathroom without untucking her muumuu from her spankies. There is also a part of me that thinks it’s very tepid for Gwen Stefani, as if her commitment to her quirky style is as halfway as that skirt.

Having said that, it IS still rather Gwen, and she manages to wear it somehow without looking like a fool — or at least, way, way less of a fool than most people would — so more power to her. Enjoy that while it lasts, my friend.

Your take?

  • It's brilliant (4%, 230 Votes)
  • it's brilliant because it's Gwen (60%, 3,180 Votes)
  • It's so blah (24%, 1,276 Votes)
  • It's so BAD. (12%, 623 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,309

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[Photos: Getty]