Happy end of awards season! I’m going to go crawl into bed and take a nap FOREVER. Or at least until Monday. Entertain yourself with the following:

– The opening credits for the Dutch version of The Golden Girls are amazing. (Vulture)

– I think everyone is a little sad that Ben Affleck shaved his hot 70s beard. (Celebitchy)

– This is an excellent piece by a woman who ghostwrote several of the early Sweet Valley Highs. You should read it; It bums me out that her friends were kind of unsupportive of this venture. A woman I knew in college — so, about ten years after this writer’s experience — worked in the SVH factory and I always thought it was fascinating. (Kenyon Review)

– This is an amazing piece in the NYT about a huge hit show in Norway that is all about firewood, and fires. And it almost seems like a joke, but it turns out the Norwegians are just seriously really into wood, as the Beatles taught us. You have to read the comments from the Norwegians who weigh in. (New York Times)

– The Foreign Service issued official Yeti-hunting guidelines back in the 50s. (Slate)

Watch 90 years of Time covers in 120 seconds. (Time)

– Mental Floss presents Nine Houses Built For Spite. Ah, the things I’ve done for spite. (Mental Floss)

– Ah, Prince Harry visiting students and wearing aprons and dancing with children. (Lainey)