This dress on Jennifer is Oscar de la Renta, and given that she does usually have to sail on the S.S. Dior, I choose to believe it was a last-second tribute. Sniffle.

There were pictures of her smiling, and she seemed very cheery at the event, but this was the best view — at least at the time of this writing — of her whole outfit. And so I envision her standing there, posing, dreading the inevitable raised eyebrows and questions about her new relationship. “I thought you’d be wearing yellow,” someone might say. Or, “What time is it? Has anyone checked the clocks?” Or, “Holy crap you’re dating Chris Martin what is THAT like does he burn macrobiotic cookbooks every night and post anti-health food comments on websites all day TELL ME EVERYTHING.”

And, at the end, a special episode of We Need To Talk About Renee.

[Photos: Splash, Getty]