I really want Rashida to find herself a hairdo that does her face justice. The bangs here kind of look like a stringy toupee that blew askew.

But the actual outfit is a lot better than she usually pulls off — it’s fitted at the waist, so it flatters her figure, and it’s… clean, and not tragic. Isn’t that a warm sentence. But I actually would wholeheartedly like this if the skirt were either dark OR light but not both. I keep thinking she got stuck changing the Pawnee parks department’s copier toner and it exploded all over her lap.

Am I being too harsh?

  • Yes! It's great. (14%, 986 Votes)
  • No, it needs a tweak -- but it IS a lot better (60%, 4,084 Votes)
  • NEVER TOO HARSH. (26%, 1,790 Votes)

Total Voters: 6,863

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