Well, this is INTRIGUING:

I kind of dig it. Yes, it’s…well, a dress made of leather. Which is unconventional. Leather is usually, you know, jackets or shoes or MURDER GLOVES (if you’re a murderer — which, you really shouldn’t be. It’s rude at best) or, if you are evil and/or have no fear of your inner thighs sticking together, shorts.  But I like the juxtaposition of a tough textile and a girlie silhouette, and who doesn’t appreciate the easy clean-up, AMIRITE? Okay, pretend that last part never happened, and vote:


  • I embrace it. (43%, 5,021 Votes)
  • I push it away, roughly! (28%, 3,315 Votes)
  • I stand next to it calmly and noncommittally. (29%, 3,347 Votes)

Total Voters: 11,685

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