At first I thought this was really fabulous.

Okay, the shoes are a snore, but the rest of the dress is so intricate that I am barely looking at her feet anyway. This is so striking, and so evocative given the whole fire motif, to the point where I almost wish Jennifer Lawrence had worn this. Maybe that would’ve been too on-the-nose. But, it’s very groovy, and it makes me want to hold up a marshmallow to it and see if I can get some delicious char.


I can’t really tell what this is attempting to do, other than make me wonder if she’s got fancy Spanx pulled up too high.

Does this light your fire?

  • Yes. (14%, 1,433 Votes)
  • No! (12%, 1,143 Votes)
  • It DID, until I saw the back weirdness. (74%, 7,283 Votes)
  • It didn't, but now the back weirdness has me totally hot for it. (0%, 48 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,907

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[Photos: Getty]