I have a lot of hard-to-translate feelings about this.

In essence, my brain is suggesting that she’s serving up a head full of Mrs. Carrie Von UnderTrapp Goes To Reign, atop some clumsily served-up folded-napkin origami quilting bee Ren Faire artsy coaster awkwardly drop-waisted realness. Which is the word vomit equivalent ofL I see things that went awry with this (the pink stuff on the sides is going a little wonkus on her) and yet I can’t look away, especially because her face ITSELF looks luminous. So I need you to vote some decisiveness into me.


  • You should feel happy, because this is really cool and she looks great (22%, 1,136 Votes)
  • You should feel confused, because this is likable even though it's also WORDS-adjacent (38%, 1,941 Votes)
  • You should feel sad that she's wearing it (28%, 1,433 Votes)
  • You should want Karl to pop by and try a few things again (11%, 571 Votes)

Total Voters: 5,081

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[Photo: Getty]