At one point Jess said, “I don’t think anyone’s shown Vera Farmiga at all. I wonder what she’s wearing.” I replied, “She looks exactly the way you think Vera Farmiga is going to look.”

When they inevitably make Veal Farmiga a dish, it will be served on a large black plate.  Big black gown, big hair, big seatbelt, a netted portion… that’s essentially everything I would have guessed. Well, maybe not the seatbelt, but she does sometimes love A Little Something Extra. Unfortunately for her, part of her extra popped out the back:

I am PRETTY sure that’s a dress loop trying to enjoy the festivities. Couldn’t someone have told her to tuck it in, or something? And is that mark on her back from the dress, or… a hickey, or something equally saucy? Regardless, I don’t enjoy the back of the dress particularly, but I don’t hate the front. The seatbelt is cool, she’s an actress who can carry drama, and she was nominated for playing Norman Bates’ mother, for crack’s sake. She SHOULD show up in something gleefully mournful that’s a wee bit secretly twisted, right?

Do you like?

  • I most certainly do (13%, 290 Votes)
  • I most certainly do not (40%, 895 Votes)
  • I did until she turned around. (21%, 462 Votes)
  • No, the back is the good part! (5%, 109 Votes)
  • Seems pretty right-on for Norman's mother, at least. (21%, 475 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,231

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[Photos: Getty]