The instant Hayden Panettiere swept past us on the Red Carpet yesterday, Heather and I turned to each other and said in unison, “MARCHESA.” And boy is it:

I actually think this photographs better than it looked in person, which I guess is the way you want to lean if  your options are between that and Looks Great In Person, Photographs Like Hell, if only because way more people will see photos of you than will see you in person, and you want the fewest people possible thinking you look like hell. That being said…I still kinda think she looks like hell. Okay, “hell” is too strong. What’s the step up from hell? Can we say that she looks like Purgatory?  At least, from the neck down — I actually think she looks charmingly fresh-faced. I just wish she’d waited to wear this until she’d aged thirty years and grown about a foot.

What say you?

  • It's fantastic. (37%, 3,436 Votes)
  • MEDIOCRE. (39%, 3,590 Votes)
  • Ugh, this is terrible (24%, 2,190 Votes)

Total Voters: 9,216

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