This occurred the same day as the Dior show, but her ensemble at this event is basically the polar opposite of her Dior look.

I kind of LOVE IT.  The top might be a wee droopy, but on the whole, she looks like a very cool, extremely competent boss lady, and Very Cool, Extremely Competent Boss Lady is a look I’m always happy to applaud.

She changed AGAIN to hit the Dior Afterparty — presumably BACK into Dior. So many wardrobe changes. The good news is that although she ratcheted back up on the Wacky Meter, this was ALSO fairly charming:

Okay. In fairness, the top MIGHT be a re-purposed airline blanket that she tucked into her skirt after she got shrimp cocktail all over her ACTUAL shirt, but sill. We’ll take what we can get from the House of Dior lately.

[Photo: AKM/GSI]

Tags: Emma Watson